Bio Composter Machine

7 types of bio composter machine for your choice!

Bio Compost Machines

Best Bio Composting Techniques You Must Know

Utilizing the aerobic fermentation technology, our compost machine promote organic waste into bio-organic fertilizer after high temperature decomposition. This process require optimizing control conditions such as temperature, moisture, PH value and C/N ratio. Moreover, you can apply the bio compost processed by our equipment directly to farmland soil or landscaping. Through deep processing, you also can make compost into organic fertilizer for sale in the market.

Aerobic fermentation is an exothermic oxidation and decomposition process in the presence of good ventilation effect and well-oxygenated conditions. Microbes oxidize part of the absorbed organic matter into simple inorganic matter through their own vital movement, releasing energy for microbial growth activities.

Another part of the organic matter is synthesized into new cytoplasm, so that microbes continue to grow and reproduce, resulting in the production of more organisms. Usually, aerobic composting has higher temperature, so it is also known as high-temperature composting.

Types of Bio Composter Machine

First Type Rail Type Bio Composter Machine

Groove type compost turner, also known as rail type compost turner, is equipped with tracks on the wall of the long fermentation grooves and completes the composting process by moving back and forth on the track. It is mainly composed of drive system, compost system and transmission system, etc.

The power source is mainly electricity.

  • It is generally carried out in the plant, which is less susceptible to weather.
  • It has less environment pollution, and may support large-scale production.
  • There is no manual labor necessary for composting, and the degree of automation is high.
  • The fermentation cycle period is 7-10 days.

It requires the construction of a plant, and fermentation grooves with the size depending on the plant layout. Aeration tubes are installed on the site to provide the necessary oxygen and moisture.

Large manufacturing capacity; rainy plant location; strict standards of environmental protection.

Track type bio composter machine is known as common groove type compost turner. The height of the machine model is 2-6 meters with less than 6 meters. It is the primary choice of equipment for small and medium-sized organic fertilizer processing plants.

  • It is possible to realize one machine for multi-groove work and save economic investment.
  • Compared with other types of composter, the highlight is the improvement of its throwing knives, which have an stronger ability to break materials during the fermentation process.

It is appropriate for situations when there is a certain location, neither the space is extremely generous, nor particularly tight.

Second Type Bio Composter Machine in Windrows Composting System

After combining the manure with auxiliary materials and strains by a mixing machine, the materials are equally piled into rectangular stack and composted on a regular basis by compost machines to decompose the organic matter under aerobic circumstances.

It takes diesel drive with strong power.

  • There is no need to build fermentation grooves except flat ground.
  • It is generally equipped with instruments to control the temperature and humidity, like water pipes and thermometers.
  • A worker requiresto drive the machine during material composting.
  • You can use it in open-air fermentation, but it is greatly affected by the weather.
  • Advantages

Cost saving of infrastructure construction and investment; low fuel consumption; convenient and flexible action; easy operation.

  • Disadvantages

Large occupied area; long fermentation cycle with 10-15 days; high cost of auxiliary materials; strong odour; serious environment pollution.

It suitable for areas with low rainfall, warm climate, far from residential areas, large fermentation sites, and less strict environmental protection.

Crawler Type Compost Turner in Windrow Composting Plant

Third Type Bio Composter Machine of Fermentation Pot

The fermentation tank uses the activity of microbes to biodegrade and decompose the organic matter in the waste through high-temperature aerobic fermentation, so that the waste is transformed into organic fertilizer.

The power source is mainly electricity.

When carrying out the composting operations, you need to ensure materials’ fermentation in sealed containers. The fermentation cycle is usually 7 days.

  • Advantages

Small occupied area; short fermentation cycle; stable sealing performance; strong mobility; high level of automation; no manual operation.

  • Disadvantages

Compared to groove type and windrow type compost machine, the fermentation tank is much more expensive.

Small fermentation site; strict environmental protection.

For example, if a farm needs to ferment livestock dung for environmental protection but the site is small, you can select fermenter.

Vertical Fermentation PotHorizontal Fermentation Pot

What Are Control Conditions of Composting Periods?

The amount of oxygen supply should be appropriate, normally 0.1-0.2m³/min. The oxygen supply is by forced ventilation, and materials need to maintain certain space.

Typical materials’ moisture content regulation at around 65% is ideal.

A desirable PH value range for microbial growth is between 6.5 and 7.5 PH value can be adjusted by adding acid and alkaline auxiliary materials.

Aerobic fermentation of carbon and nitrogen ratio is appropriate in the range of 25:1 to 30:1.

The aerobic composting process should be accompanied by two temperature rises, which should be divided into three stages: the intial stage, the thermophilic stage, and the cooling stage.

Mesophilic bacteria decomposition of organic matter in easily degradable carbohydrates, lipids, etc., while releasing heat to raise the temperature, which can reach 50 ℃.

Under aerobic conditions, high temperature resistant bacteria multiply rapidly. Most of the difficult degraded proteins, fibre, and so on continue to be oxidized and decomposed, releasing a lot of heat energy, causing the temperature to rise to 50-60 ℃, with a maximum reaching 70℃.

When the organic matter is essentially decomposed, heat production then ceases. The temperature of compost gradually falls, and when it stabilized about 50℃, it essentially reaches stability and produces humus. After cooling, some new microbes emerge from the residual organic waste, and the composting process will be finalized.

What Does A Bio Composter Machine Do in fertilizer Production Process?

Composting serves a variety of purposes, including waste utilization, pollution reduction, soil improvement, yield enhancement, quality improvement, etc. Most importantly, it can transform a large amount of organic waste into useful products while reducing environmental risks. Moreover, it can create valuable compost products that can be used as soil conditioners or organic fertilizer products, etc.

During composting, compost turner stirs and entirely mixes with primary raw materials and a variety of auxiliary ingredients to modify the carbon-nitrogen ratio, PH value, water content, etc.

The compost turner makes direct contact with the raw materials and the air. Mixing promotes aerobic microbes’ active behaviors, and is conducive to a variety of beneficial microbial bacteria in their adaptation to temperature growth and reproduction.

The bio mechanical composting machine can handle the material in small clumps, transforming the stick characteristics and dense pile of raw materials into powder with the required porosity.

Through the bio composting process, you can control suitable moisture content of raw materials fermentation about 60%.

For example, crushing raw materials needs to shape them, or achieves their quantitative displacement.

Quality Bio Composts Made by Our Fertilizer Equipment!

Bio fertilizer produced by our compost machine contains nutrients required by crops, such as organic matter, trace elements and humic acid and amino acids, etc. During the compost process, you can add microbial agents which not only increases the effective nutrients of soil, but also produces a variety of hormones and vitamins to the growth of plants.

Composting is defined as a biological process that changes and biochemically decomposes organic substances in waste to form an organic matter similar to humus for fertilizer and soil improvement.

Adding some strains in bio composting can block the growth of numerous diseases and absorb necessary minerals for plant growth, in addition to increasing water absorption and improving the drought resistance of plants.

The use of processed bio composts have a certain effect on improving the quality of agricultural products, such as the content of protein, sugar, vitamins, etc. Some of them can reduce the accumulation of nitrates.

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