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Fertilizer Production Lines

While producing fertilizer, you first need to determine the type of finished products, such as organic fertilizer, compound fertilizer or BB fertilizer, biological fertilizer, thiab lwm yam. Different types of fertilizer processing projects are different, so does the configuration of equipment for production line. Meanwhile, the production lines for fertilizer processing are divided into large and small scales.

Organic Fertilizer ntau lawm kab

Organic Fertilizer ntau lawm kab

The organic fertilizer production line is used for manufacturing organic fertilizer by using a set of production equipment to dispose wastes. According to the processing techniques, it contains powder and granular organic fertilizer production lines.

Compound Fertilizer ntau lawm kab

Compound Fertilizer ntau lawm kab

Our company offers the compound fertilizer production lines with compact layout, reasonable design, and advanced technology. dhau li, it includes raw material batching, mixing, granulation, drying, cooling, screening, coating, packing processes.

Bio-organic Fertilizer ntau lawm kab

Bio-organic Fertilizer ntau lawm kab

Bio-organic fertilizer production line refers to a production line with the effect of bio-fertilizer and organic fertilizer. It uses special properties of microbes and makes animal and plant residues as raw materials.

Liquid Fertilizer Production Line

Liquid Fertilizer Production Line

Our designed production line produces liquid fertilizer with the benefits of sufficient nutrients, uniform distribution, and high organic matter content. Producers can save part of the equipment, such as granulation and drying devices, reducing energy consumption.

NPK Fertilizer ntau lawm kab

NPK Fertilizer ntau lawm kab

NPK fertilizer production line consists of a series of advanced equipment which has the characteristics of low production cost and high production efficiency. It can convert various raw materials with NPK elements into granules.

BB Fertilizer ntau lawm kab

BB Fertilizer ntau lawm kab

BB fertilizer production line mixes with several single or compound fertilizers in definite proportions. This project simply blends of several types of fertilizers without chemical reaction with relatively affordable equipment.